Our Family Worker
My name is Gail and I am the Family Worker based in our fantastic new building that is named Hepworth within the grounds of Putnoe Primary. My role is to offer support to both children and parents who might be experiencing difficulties. I have been working and supporting families for many years now and I have been employed within Bedford for the past 9 years + so I have knowledge of many local organisations that can also offer support.
Please feel free to come and have a chat or to make an appointment to meet with me at school, or I can visit you at home. My contact details are: -
- You can ask at the office to see if I am available or
- You can call me direct on 01234 322051 or
- You can call me or text me on my work mobile, which is 07716 855 719
At the bottom of this page, there are a range of documents, including:
- A document that explains the meaning behind some educational 'jargon' that is used
- Two government documents linked to the safeguarding and welfare of children
- A wellbeing referral form
- Information on a 'Dad's Group' to support those caring for children with disabilities and additional needs
- Details on support that can be offered from Aquarius, including drug and alcohol support and drop in services they offer
- A flyer from the Bedford Women's Centre about the support they can offer
- Information on parent groups (Journey of Parenting: Toddler and Journey of Parents: Aged 3-5)
- A page of information that explains how CAMHS can support your child
- Details on what happens when children leave school during a year (either planned or unplanned)
- A document which outlines how to build up resilience and emotional health in children
- A flyer from the Parent Carer Forum outlining the different events and workshops they are hosting this term
- Some newsletters from Bedford Borough's Parent-Carer Forum for sessions they run
- A document that explains how parents and schools can work together to improve attendance
- A Bedford Borough Family Hub newsletter that outlines help that is offered to families
- Information about a warm space that is open every Friday at Church Lane Community Centre
- To leaflets which offer support for children who are struggling to sleep
- A poster about a healthy parent carer programme
- A poster about how to stay safe when using TikTok
- Information on a Money Management Course
- A poster outlining support that can be offered to parents who have children that have sleep issues
- Two posters that give information about support that is available for young people who are feeling stressed, low, sad or anxious
- Three posters from Luton's All Women's Centre, including one about feeling more confident in raising your sons, strategies to help children keep themselves safe and another with information about violence against women and girls
- A leaflet about the Bereavement Cafe
- Bedford Borough's Family Hubs and Children's Centre's Timetable
- A newsletter from Aquarius, a young people's drug and alcohol service support
- A leaflet from British Gas about their Green Doctor service
- A Triple P leaflet that outline support they offer to parents and children
- A leaflet exploring why how you feel matters
To visit Bedford Borough's Family Hub website, please click here.
If you would like more information on the Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery College, please click here to see their Autumn Prospectus. Furthermore, if you would like to find out more about an organisation called 'Shout', that children can text if they have any worries, please click here.
I would also like to share a resource from the NSPCC called Techosaurus which aims to help parents and carers have positive conversations about online safety with young children. The Techosaurus Activity Pack helps to make conversations with young children, about staying safe online, as easy as possible for parents and carers, with a colouring-in activity, dot-to-dot and maze game. Each pack includes:
- Four Techosaurus activities designed to teach about online safety
- An Online Safety Family agreement to complete together
- A digital certificate to celebrate completion of the training
- A parents guide to the activities, and how to talk about staying safe online.
To have a look at these, please click here.
This is updated regularly so please keep coming back and check the site.
I really hope to meet with you soon.