Aiming High Learning for Life

School News

Here you can keep up-to-date with all the latest news from Putnoe Primary School!

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  • 29/09/23
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    Open Evening

    Is your child due to start school in September 2024?  If so, come and join us to see our fantastic school in action on Monday 13th November!
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  • 15/09/23
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    Autumn Term Curriculum Overviews

    This term's curriculum overviews have been published for each year group and can be found within their class page.
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  • 01/09/23
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    Green Flag Accreditation

    Find out more about our Green Flag re-accredication
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  • 21/07/23
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    Summer Newsletter, Podcast & Photo Galleries

    Read our whole-school newsletter for the second-half of the Summer Term, listen to our brand-new podcast and take a look at some of our photo galleries, too!
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  • 11/07/23
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    Key Stage 2 SATs Success!

    Find out about our amazing SATs results achieved by our Year 6 children.
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  • 26/05/23
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    Summer A Photo Galleries

    Take a look at some new galleries that have been added this half-term.
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  • 30/03/23
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    Microscope Competition

    Have a look at some of the wonderful pictures taken by our Upper Key Stage 2 children as part of a Microscope Competition.
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  • 24/03/23
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    Year 5 Swimming (and The One Show!)

    Find out about the fun that Year 5 had in their recent swimming lessons - as well as a visit from The One Show, too!
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  • 22/03/23
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    DJ Club Performance

    Take a look at some photos from our recent DJ Club performance.
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  • 21/03/23
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    Salad Making

    Look at some pictures of Gauguin class making their own salad.
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  • 15/03/23
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    Get Caught Ready!

    Find out how you can take part in our new and exciting reading challenge!
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  • 13/03/23
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    Church Visit

    See some pictures from Year 1's visit to our local church.
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